We are in the business of preserving humanity, supporting human dignity and preventing the dehumanization of all people, which we call the human justice movement. At the heart of all these issues is a dangerous narrative that helped exploit, demonize and exclude our sisters of brothers throughout New Jersey. In many extreme situations, this has led to the death of many people.
Violence Prevention
Local communities are free to identify specific violence prevention strategies that meet their particular needs. At the same time, the national campaign provides technical assistance to communities who are interested in adopting the Ceasefire violence prevention model. To learn more about this violence prevention model, read Don't Shoot by David Kennedy.

Education & Employment Opportunities
Local communities are free to identify specific violence prevention strategies that meet their particular needs. At the same time, the national campaign provides technical assistance to communities who are interested in adopting the Ceasefire violence prevention model. To learn more about this violence prevention model, read Don't Shoot by David Kennedy.

Mass Incarceration
The U.S. has the highest incarceration rate in the world. Not only has the mass incarceration of our people failed to make our communities safe, but it has torn apart families, stripped millions of individuals of opportunities for self-betterment, and has ultimately contributed to the underlying causes of drug use, violence, and crime. To understand how it has disproportionately impacted communities of color in the U.S., read The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander.